Mandarin-English Skills Quiz Welcome to your Mandarin-English Skills QuizA Mandarin healthcare interpreter should be familiar with both simplified characters and traditional characters. Thus, some sections of this quiz use simplified characters, and other sections use traditional characters.You have 15 minutes to complete this quiz. A timer will be visible in the corner of your browser. Full Name Zip Code Email Phone 1. 當病人帶著劇痛來到急診室,__________醫生儘快看他。 他要求 他下令 他轉達 他指示 他要事 None 2. 護士問他當他從從浴室滑倒時,他是否__________。 失控 失速 失去意識 失眠 失勢 None 3. 先生,請__________,我立刻請醫生來看您 放棄抵抗 放縱自己 坐在這裏 努力工作 勉爲其難 None 4. 當醫生來到,檢查過傷口後,他告訴病人他必須為病人__________。 心理咨商 增强免疫 縫合傷口 安排出院 照心電圖 None 5. 當病人聽到醫生如是説,他問醫生「__________縫合?」 爲何要 何時要 什麽是 是誰要 該如何 None 6. 縫合就是我們在__________局部麻醉狀況下,用線將傷口縫起來,所以您不會感到疼痛。 未進行 進行 未來進行 護士進行 看護進行 None 7. You will need to __________ back to the office after 3 days so that we can check the wound and change the bandage. come call return visit None 8. When the wound has completely __________, about 1 week from today, we will remove the stitches. healing healthy healed help heal None 9. If your head hurts from the bump and the stitches, you can take either aspirin or acetaminophen for __________, as needed. Be sure to follow the directions and keep the bandage dry until we see you in three days. Stay off the skateboard for a while, OK? And wear a helmet when you get back on so you don't hurt your head again! healing pain bandage patient appointment None 10. Don’t forget to __________ 2 appointments before you leave today: one to change the bandage in three days, and the other in seven to 10 days to remove the stitches. schedule cancel call reschedule forget None ReadingReading 美国的一家医院里,一位不会说英语的患者刚刚生了孩子。她的分娩时间过长,导致胎儿窘迫,造成婴儿的阿普嘉评分很低。医生建议进行输卵管结扎,因为下一次的怀孕可能会危及母亲和婴儿的生命。在解释完后,她将英文版的知情同意书给了患者,也获得患者的核可。当患者离开产房时,她被送到手术室。患者对没被带到她的房间去看她的儿子感到惊讶,问道:「你为什么不带我去我的房间?」。就在那时,医务人员找到了一名说中文的员工。他到达时,了解要做的手术后,他告诉她,他们正在带她去手术室进行预防怀孕的手术。患者很惊讶,说她不想动手术。透过说中文的员工,医生告诉患者,她已经签署了知情同意书。患者说,是的,她已经签署了英文同意书,但她不明白她签了什么,她也不晓得医生向她解释的内容,所以她撤回了她的授权,并要求将她和她的儿子一起带回她的房间。 11. What caused the low Apgar score for the newborn? premature birth low birth weight fetal distress all of the above None 12. The patient signed __________ form to authorize the surgery recommended by the doctor. an informed consent in English an informed consent in Chinese a letter of consideration for surgery permission None 13. Why did the doctor propose the surgery? routine procedure because the mother already had too many children to give the mother a better quality of life another pregnancy could endanger the life of the mother and unborn child None 14. If the surgery had not been stopped, what possible implications could the hospital have incurred if the patient did not understand the consent form? none a probable lawsuit on behalf of the patient the surgery followed established procedure all of the above None 15. A salpingoclasia is done routinely before delivering a baby to enable future pregnancies as an emergency procedure to save the mother's life to prevent future pregnancies None ListeningListening 16. 病人將儘快__________預約。 去 要求 離開 詢問 None 17. 醫生向他解釋他可以【藉由】降低他的膽固醇 服處方藥物 每天運動 遵循健康飲食 以上所有建議 None 18. 如何形容病人的疼痛? 刺傷【】 穿刺痛 經常性疼痛 不定期疼痛 燒灼痛 None 19. 病人最近的驗血顯示他__________ 只患有高血糖 患有高膽固醇 患有高膽固醇及高血糖 沒有任何病狀 None 20. 下次預約之後, 病人不需要服用任何藥物 醫生會與病人一起運動 病人需要看小兒科醫生 醫生會建議更多測試 None Reading EnglishReading English mRNA Vaccines Are New, But Not UnknownResearchers have been studying and working with mRNA vaccines for decades. Interest has grown in these vaccines because they can be developed in a laboratory using readily available materials. This means the process can be standardized and scaled up, making vaccine development faster than traditional methods of making vaccines.mRNA vaccines have been studied before for flu, Zika, rabies, and cytomegalovirus (CMV). As soon as the necessary information about the virus that causes COVID-19 was available, scientists began designing the mRNA instructions for cells to build the unique spike protein into an mRNA vaccine.Future mRNA vaccine technology may allow for one vaccine to provide protection for multiple diseases, thus decreasing the number of shots needed for protection against common vaccine-preventable diseases.Beyond vaccines, cancer research has used mRNA to trigger the immune system to target specific cancer cells. 21. 信使核糖核酸疫苗 是在2019新冠病毒疫情肆虐时期的新发现。 由类似新冠病毒的活体冠状病毒制成。 已经过数十年的研究。 目前不仅提供针对新冠病毒的保护,还提供对流感、狂犬病和巨细胞病毒的保护。 None 22. 关于mRNA疫苗,下列说法中哪一个是不正确的? 这些疫苗可以在实验室中用现成的材料生产。 在2016年寨卡病毒爆发期间,mRNA疫苗的使用才被发现是有效的。 mRNA疫苗已被用于触发免疫系统对抗特定的癌细胞。 mRNA疫苗的开发速度可比传统疫苗快得多。 None 23. 科学家们正在研究mRNA疫苗使用于 癌症 心冠病毒 流感 【以上】都是 【以上】都不是 None 1 out of 26 Carefully review your answers to all of the questions. Then click "Submit." Your results will be presented after about 30 seconds. Time's upTime is Up! Ivan Rojas2023-03-17T15:39:23-07:00Share This Story, Choose Your Platform!FacebookXLinkedInPinterestEmail