6 December 6, 2017

Unforgettable Encounters During the ICR


Maria S. Garcia, CHI™, completed her professional training and an ICR (Interpreter Clinical Rotation practicum) through InterpreterEd.com before becoming certified in 2013. Hear how she made a difference in the life of a patient during her ICR, and her thoughts on interpreting.

Unforgettable Encounters During the ICR2021-07-22T19:40:56-07:00
16 September 16, 2017

Marisol Lomeli, CHI™: Experiences in the Field


Marisol Lomeli, CHI™, is a professional interpreter with expertise in simultaneous interpreting and she is also an instructor for InterpeterEd.com. Hear about some of her most challenging assignments, experiences and perspectives on a variety of issues including student success...

Marisol Lomeli, CHI™: Experiences in the Field2021-07-22T19:42:27-07:00